Rabu, 28 Mei 2014


                                                         Correlative Conjunctions

A. Not only-but only
1. Adjective
- My sister  is not only smart but also diligently read al-quran
2. Adverb of Place
- Not only Nanggro Aceh Darussalam but also Japanese who suffered tsunami
3. Adverb of time
- My uncle jogging not only once but also three times in a week
4. Adverb of manner
- My lecturer explained the matter is not only effective but also very clear
5. Noun
- Used not only clothes but also pants
6. Verb
- My activity now is not only play football but also studying
7. Subject
- Not only rina but also andi get champion in school

B. Both-and
1. Adjective
- my mother cook both tasty and healthy
2. Adverb of Place
-yamaha motorcycles latest output is produced both in asia and europe
3. Adverb of Time
- I always drink milk both morning and night
4. Adverb of manner
- radit the swimming both calmly and faster
5. Noun
- andi shoot bird both with gun and arrows
6. Verb
- my sister can both singing and cooking
7. Subject
- Both my grandfather and my grandsister are in my home

C. Either-Or
1. Adjective
- Raditya Dika make  film either of comedy or jokes
2. Adver of Place
- My family and I fill my free time either to the beach or garden
3. Adverb of time
- My sister often watering flowers either morning or afternoon
4. Adverb manner
-rika play chess either focus or think
5. Noun
- either pen or pencil you can used to write an essay on each post in your book
6. Verb
-we can use water the either for bathing or washing
7. Subject
- either raditya dika or Andrea Hirata is a famous novelist

D. Neither –Nor
1. Adjective
- Rina is neither smart nor stupid
2. Adverb of Place
- Andi neither go to the beach nor to the zoo
3. Adverb of time
- My mother cooks neither the morning nor tonight
4. Adverb of manner
- Shakira sing neither the beautiful nor carefully
5. Noun
- my sister neither put a plate nor glass on the table
6. Verb
- marsya neither slept nor ate yesterday
7. Subject
- neither fahry nor lita cleaning house


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